Adsense Problems

Monday, February 25, 2008

What Google Adsense can track.

There is a misunderstanding  among many people that Google Adsense can track  what ever you are doing and can track even your computer with upto the processor's  id number. 
They are wrong. Google Adsense can track only your online activity and they can track your activity only if you are using any of the Google's services, such as,, etc.
They can track if and only if you don't delete the cookies which they put into our system. You have to delete it every time you have logged out of any of the Google's services.  You can find the cookies in you temporary internet files folder located at C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Cookies. Google can track your other online activities if you have installed their tool bar into your browser. I recommend you to uninstall any of the tool bar if you had one in your system. Google can only track your online activities associated with its products and nothing else.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Adsense to implement video ad units

Google Adsense pops up with its publishing edge to the video units. Google Adsense had been using textual and image based ads all this time. Now G.A trials out its new video ad units which can be used along with the publisher's video units available in their websites. G.A pays to its publishers based on the CPM and CPC methods. Google Adsense have not yet introduced this units to all its publishers. Hope it shall reach all its publishers as soon as possible.
      This advertising model could be a great beneficiary to both the advertiser and publisher. Adsense have brought it out in correct time when the Internet was switching to the video based coverage.

More at the news can be read at

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Got your Google Adsense account banned!

If Google Adsense have banned your account ... many think that its immossible to have another account in your name. You just need to have a alternative address for you, where you can receive the checks. Google Adsense uses some algorithm which matches your previous account address with the new one. You just need to win the algorithm from tracing you.
Example. If your address is " 4/56, Williams street, some city, some state, some country."

You can change it to "No:4 , 56, Wiliams cross, somme citty, soome sttate, some countrie.

What I have done here is that I have changed the way to spell out the same address in a different manner. The checks can be received with the both the address but they look different for an algorithm which may be currently used by Google Adsense.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Google Adsense Targets MFA sites

Google Adsense have targeted the  MFA1 sites and have banned Google Adsense accounts for the publishers which creates no conversion for advertisers. Adsense Team have banned my friend's account for running just an MFA which produced 10 clicks for 100 page impressions. So, its time for every one to run a valid content based site rather than just running a site created just to make profits without any work.

1 MFA- Made For Adsense :
  MFA site is an site which targets the users  to click on the advertisements rather than providing proper content and

Google Adsense Bans hell lots of Publishers

Google Adsense have banned many Adsense Accounts of many publishers for a common reason stated as the publishers accounts are of risk for the advertisers.
Adsense have not said an appropriate answer to the publishers. I have seen many publishers exhibiting their anger in the forums for not telling appropriate reason for the publisher. But its the publishers responsibility to take care of the account which could have created a risk for the advertiser. Google Adsense cannot be questioned in any sense for not answering the questions asked by the publishers.
Google Adsense is very clear in their stand that they work well and for the goodness of the advertiser rather than a publisher.

Welcome to my blog!

I welcome you all to cope up with Google Adsense and its strategical needs and advancements in earning more from it.